From the idea to the Realization

The business mission is to understand the needs of our clients and to transform it in a cutting-edge product. Suggest us your idea and we will realize it.

Your truck

MDF designs, builds and customizes vehicles for street vendors, dedicated to sectors such as clothing and street food: a special truck for your business.

Made to last

Our twenty-year experience allows us to transform every vehicle in a product not only beautiful but made to last, functional for the specific working needs.

Latest news

staff mdf 18/11/2022

Mdf sarà presente alla fiera Sigep di Rimini

Mdf sarà presente alla fiera Sigep di Rimini, evento imperdibile per tutti i professionisti del gelato! Vi aspettiamo dal 21 al 25 Gennaio 2023

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Cinzia 23/09/2021

Mdf veicoli speciali looking for a painter body shop

Mdf veicoli speciali

is looking for a body painter with solid experience in the sector to expand its staff.

Info e contacts:

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