Mdf veicoli speciali cerca carrozziere verniciatore
Cinzia 15/09/2020 0
Mdf veicoli speciali
cerca carrozziere verniciatore con solida esperienza nel settore per ampliare il proprio organico.
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Cinzia 09/07/2021
The transformation of this current world brings new ideas.
Starting from the furnishings of our food trucks, customized and built entirely in our workshops,
we decided to respond to the many requests to give value to ideas even outside the truck.
With the arrival of a new and sophisticated machine, we can give shape to wood, plexiglass and aluminum.
Our craftsmanship is thus enhanced: any specific need can become reality.
It is possible to tailor each product: we have proudly become the tailors of your projects!
We have inaugurated the new machine to make the kitchens of a high gastronomy school, and the result was really appreciated.
Ready for the next project!
Cinzia 22/09/2020
Why should you choose MDF vehicles?
The street market business has never been so buzzy.
More & more professionals as they have seen the enormous potentials in the field, they are starting to catch this opportunity that the market is offering.
Numerous business, now they are realizing of the evolution of the current market, they are turning their business strategies towards the street food.
Restaurants, pizzeria, ice cream shops and also fashion store of different kind they are investing in branded business street marketing.
Why passively waiting for clients at the shop, when you can go directly to them.
Choosing MDF vehicles means choosing high standard quality.,
MDF designs, customizes vehicles made to last.
Reliable and attention to details come together with the aim to create a working habitat with all comforts that satisfies the more particular demands.
MDF: we will take your idea far, together
Cinzia 22/09/2020
Food truck the opportunity which will allow to restart with small food businesses
In these weeks of forced homestay, we have discovered that there are many things that we are missing.
To start from small rituals that we have given for granted before the covid blocked us at home.
Drink coffee and cappuccino at the bar, having an afternoon snack with an ice cream for the children joy, strolling while eating a sandwich ordered in that instant.
To do once again all these things together with our friends and our beloved friends, side by side like we have always done, it will still take time but it will be still possible to taste our rituals meals, thanks to the gradual business openings in the food sector.
The ‘restart “will not be the same for all.
For many icreamshops, pizzerie, bar, patisserie and alike, the so called second phase in contrast with the Covid could be more complex, due to the reduced spaces and expenses
Linked to the structural arrangements necessary.
For many small businesses it will be difficult to respect all the necessary norms to restart with the service.
Linked to this reality, usually a family owned business, it is an opportunity called food truck.
They are true and proper commercial businesses on wheels that have the advantage to reach directly the client and finding a strategic open place each day where to stop.
In this way it will be easier to respect the social distancing and also offering a quality service, free delivery of charges.
They are many,for example the icecream shops which are setting up this system to overcome in the best way possible the summer season,after nearly two months of lockdown.
If the premises are small it becomes difficult to handle the influx of clients respecting the regulations.
Thing that it is made easier with a food truck, perfectly equipped that allows to do business in the open.
Nowadays solutions exist which have been tested to offer what it is necessary for the regular execution of the personal business on wheels.
From the small ape car that can easily transform itself into a bar, positioned at the center of a square to reach their customers, more articulated options from frying, roast, warm up to prepare proper meals right away.
The food truck advantages are various: the food is prepared straight away and arrives at the destination still warm and the contact with clientele is not lost and working in the open it is easier to respect the norms enforced.
Furthermore, the costs are lower respect to renting premises
You can move into places which you believe to be strategic for your own business.
Furthermore, it is a field that Italians know well and appreciate already for some considerable time street food, in fact it is counting encouraging numbers and every year increases businesses decide to transfer themselves on wheels.